Thursday, October 23, 2008


I knew it would happen, and it did!

I posted about babysitting and was all excited about it and stuff, and I got canceled on. Ah well. It's all good though; I think they might try to have me over next week instead!

Not going to go into too much detail about this, but just for Calgary residents to note, the number for the Calgary Police Station non-emergency line is (403) 266-1234. Do not call (403) 262-1234. That is the Palliser Hotel. :)

Excited to get my presentation mark back today! Hopefully it all went well. I'm looking forward to just sitting there and watching other people present today.

Oooh, and it seems like I talk about Twilight a lot on here, making it seem like I absolutely love it (which I don't really), but when I was talking to my aunt the other night, we were talking about how silly all the hype is about the books and the movie etc., and I found out something interesting! Apparently my uncle's company is the one doing the editing on the whole movie. Kinda cool I guess.

I met Matt for coffee last night after he worked, downtown, while he was still in his uniform and we got this crazy woman who came up to us and started preaching about how useless the war in Afghanistan is, and how useless Canada's leaders are etc etc. I took this opportunity to tell her how important it is to VOTE, but she didn't get it. "All politicians do is argue and spend money!!" Uhh... yeah? Like always? I don't know. She couldn't see any of the points I was making about Afghanistan, not that I necessarily support it, because I'm not entirely sure about how I feel about it, but the way she was talking about it (complete with copious logical fallacies) just made me want to defend it. The uniform is an idiot attractor, that's for sure.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I like updating this week

As you saw from my post last night, I HAVE APPLIED FOR GRADUATION!! I am so excited! I just randomly checked to see if we could do it yet, and we can! So yay for that!

I am excited for it to be Thursday tomorrow. It will be a pretty sweet day I think. My first class of the day is canceled and in another class all we are doing is watching a movie! It will be great to have a break from note taking (which we do pretty much the whole class time - 75 minutes). Plus, in lab I'll get to see how I did on my presentation and just sit and watch other people present. That will be nice for sure. And then time for the regular Thursday festivities with Lo! It will be even more fun this week because we decided to not watch ANTM tonight and watch it tomorrow after Survivor. We always have fun watching and making fun of how self-absorbed Tyra is.

Friday I actually get to see Matt for a while! It seems like it has been so long...

Saturday I don't really have any plans. I told Warren that I would babysit his [adorable] kids, so I guess that's what I'll be up to that night! It really takes me back. I babysat SO much when I was a teenager, but seemed to have been on hiatus the last couple of years, which happens, I guess, 'cause kids tend to grow up. It's kinda nice though, being back at it, and it makes me remember other kids and feel like I just took care of them yesterday.

Sunday is double feature day! Lo and I are going to hit up the cheap theatres for some cheap movies, which I am excited about. We were going to do it last Sunday, but I was recovering from the flu and didn't want to go when I couldn't properly gorge myself on popcorn. Now that I'm recovered, I'm ready to go!

Today at work I had an "innerview". Haha. A bunch of the higher-ups are taking a leadership course, and they had to conduct these innerviews to get to know the employees better. I actually enjoyed mine with Rob. He seemed very interested in what I had to say, and I think learned stuff about me. As hokey as they sound, maybe innerviews are a helpful tool in building relationships and stuff.

Another exciting thing is that my Aunt is coming in November! Hooray!

I didn't realize when I started writing this that it would be a weekend scheduler, but there it is!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I just applied for graduation.


Monday, October 20, 2008

November (soon anyway)

I was looking at a calender at work today, and have you realized that in less than two weeks, it will be November?! Hooo-ly! Time has been FLYING by recently. I should start Christmas shopping before it's the last weekend before Christmas and I have to brave the insane malls. Another (or two more) reasons to get shopping done early? TWO of the shopping malls in the south (the only two big ones?) have half of their parking lots closed for renovations. Ugh. If that isn't motivation to get shopping out of the way early, I don't know what is!

I was excited today though... I bought a housewarming present for someone. (I think you know her very well!). Lo has been talking a little about moving out lately, and I think I have part of a housewarming gift. Ha. So I'm pretty excited for that. Also JEALOUS! That moving out is in the very forseeable future for her!!! :) <3

And, not to be all romantically gross or anything, but I have to share what Matt did yesterday so I can read back and remember. I hadn't seen him since probably Monday last week and he came over on Sunday night after being out with the army all weekend. He had a shower while I was hanging out and watching tv, and when he came out, he said "Nat, can I ask you something?"
pause "What was THIS..." pulls out the Sex and the City Movie with a flourish "...doing in your bathroom?!" It was so nice. And he definitely surprised me.

Lo and I were talking last week about the Twilight series and about how I didn't really care for it much... but... this weekend I got really into the second book. It was perfect while I was feeling like crap! I think I read (in the last week) the first one and 3/4 of the second one. They are actually quite good! I always am wondering what happens, and they are a nice, light, fluffy read. Which is just great sometimes. I never thought I'd say it, but I'm actually EXCITED for the movie to come out.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

What a crappy weekend

First of all, another thanks to Lo, who took her break on Friday and sat with me in the waiting room for my blood test AND got me a juice and some candy for when it was over. <3

Friday night after I got home I absolutely crashed! I slept from about 5 until 845, which was unusual for me; I am just not a nap person. At about 10 o'clock I went to Walmart to get some stuff (how handy is it that they are open til 11!) including some really delicious new tea.

Saturday I woke up and did some stuff, then fell asleep again from about 3 until 8, and felt like death warmed over all night. I couldn't keep anything down. So awful. I hate being sick.

Today I am finally starting to feel a little bit better, just in time to go back to work and school! Ugh! I'm thinking I had some version of the flu, just because of how TIRED I was, and the stomach problems all weekend.

Anyway, that was the crappy part of my weekend, but the good part was that today Lo texted and said that this very hilarious comedian, Dat Phan, is coming to town! She said she will get tickets for us, so I am very excited, especially considering the fun we had at Gerry Dee last week!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nothing really...

... exciting to update about.

Think I'm getting sick. Taking Hall's Vitamin C Drops like crazy, but as soon as I stop, feel something "sicky" at the back of my throat again.

Out of my head nervous about my presentation tomorrow. Hopefully it goes ok!

Don't feel like sitting in the computer lab for another hour waiting for my class to start. Want to go home and put on pjs and read a book.

Fall is officially here! Had to scrape car this morning for the first time! It is def glove weather too.

Love fall.

Looking forward to watching a new House tonight. And ANTM.

Craving Jello pudding, in chocolate. (Girl next to me in lab enjoying one right now).

Makes me think of the shameless advertising on the Biggest Loser. "What are you guys doing?" "Oh, we're just sitting by the pool enjoying the new Jello! So good, and only 10 calories!" "Well let me make that even better for you with new low calorie Cool Whip in a can!" squirts "Now it's only 30 calories!!!"

Chilly in the computer lab, and I can't finish my homework because my calculator can't do exponents. Ha ha.

Excited for Thursday.

Happy Monday was a holiday- makes the week SO short!

Disappointed (but not surprised) with the overwhelming voter apathy yesterday.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Yes, it is a long weekend for Thanksgiving! I love long weekends.

We had a good start to the weekend last night; Lo and me and her parents went to see the comedian Gerry Dee at the Jack Singer! He was so good and really funny. The two guys who went on before him were really great too. I had a great time! Thanks, Lo! Afterwards Matt came over and the three of us starting watching The Office, season 4. It was really good, but the episodes are super-sized and really long. We only made it through two before Matt had passed out and Lo and I were very close to following his example. I may have to watch the second episode again sometime, just to make sure I got everything!

Today I'm not up to much, working a little bit on a presentation I have to do next week, but I am super stumped so I think Matt and I are going to go to the mall to spend some of my gift cards I still have from last Christmas. We're almost into Christmas season again, so it's high time to spend them.

Tomorrow we are having Thanksgiving dinner at my house, and on Sunday we are off to Matt's. Should be good times! Other than that, a pretty lazy weekend.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Surprise!!

I looked back for the old entry where I described the situation, but I couldn't find it. I guess I must not have written it in here.

Sometime in the summer (I think it was August), Matt and I decided to go on a bike ride because it was such a beautiful and lovely day out. We got water bottles ready, put on appropriate biking clothes, and went out to the back yard to "saddle up". When we got out there and I looked for my bike, it was nowhere to be seen! We searched for quite a while, all over the yard, garage, shed, etc., but never did end up finding it. I think it was stolen out of the backyard, as there has been a little bit of crime from some teenagers causing trouble in our area. So, we called off the bike ride, and I was a little bitter for a few day

On Saturday, I was in the basement when my dad called me upstairs. He said he had gotten something for me last night [which was Friday night] and it was on the deck. A NEW BIKE!! I was so surprised and not expecting it at all! It was such a nice and thoughtful thing from him to do. I felt so loved. <3 I hit the bike trails right away and had a GREAT time. I think it will take a little while to get used to being back on a bike seat again though. They are so tiny!! (And my bum was/still is so sore!)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Shiny tables and things of that sort

Last night, I was sitting downstairs watching House when I noticed how crazy dirty and disgusting the coffee table was. So, on the commercial, I ran upstairs to grab some cleaning supplies so I could do SOMETHING about it.

I used this stuff, and the results were AMAZING! I'm not usually into domestic stuff like this, but wow! I could see my face in the table! So, I wandered around looking for other wooden surfaces to make shiny. It was a great big Tuesday night. Ah, the things that can be done instead of homework!