Thursday, December 27, 2007

I'm Sorry

Matt, Lauren, and I hit the cheap theatre for Gone Baby Gone on Sunday night. It was fun, and a pretty alright (but sad and long) movie. 4/10. Afterward we went to Chianti's (sp?) for cheap pasta night, and I had to tell Lauren about something that has been tearing me up. I think I scared her a bit though; she thought it was much more serious than it actually is.

See, I bought her Christmas gift online, and I really think she will love it. Problem is that it isn't here yet and I feel terrible. I ordered it a month ago and it still isn't here. It didn't come, didn't come, didn't come, and I was very hopeful that after I confessed to her it would come the next day on Christmas Eve. No luck. I was extremely hopeful that it would come today, in time for Thursday night, but again no such luck. I am pretty choked. I put a lot of thought into it and I am very sad it isn't here yet. Still hopeful though. Please tomorrow. Please, please, please, please, please, so I can stop worrying about it. Also, I hope I am not psyching it up to be more exciting than it really is. Lauren, don't get excited. :)

I have a few Christmas pictures to post, but not tonight. I am taking care of the neighbor's dogs which means I have to get up a half hour (groan) earlier than usual.

Saw Sweeny Todd tonight. It was pretty good. I'm glad Lauren and I went because I know for sure Matt would have hated it. Musical! It was a little too long and a little dry in parts for me, but still not bad. 6/10. I think the next movie will be Juno for our traditional birthday movie and late night breakfast. I am looking forward to it very much.


Monday, December 24, 2007

It's Christmas in Hollywood...

Wow! Has it ever been a long time since I updated last. I thought that after I finished my finals I would be all about the updating, but it seems like every time I sit down to make out an entry, I have nothing to say! I have been enjoying my time off though. It is fantastic and busy!

On Tuesday, the night after my last final, Lauren and I went to a yoga class! It was fun, but quite a bit more difficult than I thought it would be. I needed help from the teaching assistant frequently, but I'm ok with that. I paid to take the class so I should make sure I get the most out of it, right?

Wednesday Matt and I finished our Christmas shopping! I was so glad to be done relatively early and to not have had to hit the mall this weekend. That would have been messy. Instead, we hung out with Matt's family on Saturday and went to the hockey game (courtesy of the army). The game was pretty fun and Matt had a chance to go on the ice to receive a jersey!! He didn't take it (let one of his friends go instead) but it would have been exciting! The soldiers who received the jerseys on the ice, however, had to return them as soon as they got off the ice! That seemed a little unfair. They were going to auction them off and the money does go back to the military, but they should have told them they before hand that they were going to receive a jersey, but not to keep. Ah well.

Thursday (back tracking a little, but I want to mention it) was great! Lauren and I wanted to try somewhere new to eat, and we ended up at Original Joe's in Kensington. I wasn't crazy about what I got, but I think the place definitely has potential. The best part was the dessert though; mocha mud pie. This is my irresistible indulgence. I loooove it. Moxie's used to be a great restaurant to get it from, but they discontinued it! I was so choked! Anyway, OJ's had it and Lauren and I definitely whole heartedly attempted to eat the thing with little success. After we saw a great movie: Lars and the Real Girl. Excellent, excellent, excellent. "They're not real, so they'll last forever." Fantastic. I look forward to watching it again at home when there aren't giggly and possibly intoxicated girls sitting right in front of us. Oooh, and it was at the Plaza in Kensington. Cute old theatre.

Merry Christmas to all!

Friday, December 7, 2007

What a Tease!

As you remember, I have no laptop at the moment. Thus, when I want to go on the internet I use Byron's computer and when I have homework I use my dad's computer. I was surfing on Byron's today after work while I was eating my lunch, and on the MSN homepage I saw an interesting link. "Next Survivor Allstars Revealed...?" I of course excitedly clicked on the link, wondering if Lauren's and my favorites would have made the short list. I waited and waited for the page to load (while I had a look at Facebook) and it came back to me as "not able to open webpage". Unfazed, I clicked refresh and waited for the page to open. No such luck again, so I figured "I have homework to do anyway. It is probably a sign that I should get on my dad's computer, quickly look at the link, and then get to work". Fine. So I grab my Crispy Minis (which I am really into lately) and head to the basement. I get on the MSN homepage again and the link is gone. I thought I was on the right homepage, but still hopeful, I quickly type in the link to the Canadian MSN and then re-check the American one. Still nothing. So, either my discussion with Lauren last night about whether or not there will be a Survivor in the spring season got to me, or someone else is playing with my mind.


Sunday, December 2, 2007


It is December! Hooray for finally being the Christmas month! We got our tree up today, which I am very excited about. The only thing left to do is gifts, which I am really behind on. I have a few ideas though…

Last night Jordan and I went to the hockey game. Although the Flames let us down, we had a great time, and I even had a Flames shirt to wear this time! I was excited because I always want to be a supportive fan but I never have anything red I could even get away with. I bought a Flames shirt yesterday, so I was happy.

After the game we played Atmosfear with Lauren. I always forget how fun that game is. Plus, it is great for us because no one feels hurt or upset when it is over. That always happens when we play Monopoly. Probably the reason it got banned at my house! It was fun for sure!

Counting down the days until school is done… 15! Just a little over two weeks!

PS- My laptop is home now! The IT guy warned me that I am going to have total hard drive failure soon though, probably before the new year. L I hope it lasts longer than that.

Happy December everyone! I will end with a CHRISTMAS survey!

1. Egg nog or hot chocolate?

Hot chocolate. The peppermint hot chocolate (pepHC) is definitely my favorite holiday beverage.

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?

Wraps them of course! Well he doesn’t, but his elves do!

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?

White is so boring. I like the multi colored LED lights.

4. Do you hang mistletoe?

No. We never have.

5. When do you put your decorations up?

First weekend in December usually.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?

My mom’s mashed potatoes. They are soooo delicious.

7. Favorite holiday memory as a child?

Byron and I sneaking out to look at the tree from a distance and then running back to bed without being caught.

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?

I think I just wised up to the fact that Santa and my mom have very similar handwriting.

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?

Yes, we exchange with my aunt and uncle.

10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?

With Keepsake ornaments (mom, dad, etc.)

11. Snow: love it or hate it?

Love looking at it and playing in it, but I hate driving in it.

12. Can you ice skate?

Yes, if I hadn’t lost my skates!

13. Do you remember your favorite gift?

There is a new favorite every year. I remember a Barbie horse trailer and a hamster being very exciting gifts though.

14. What’s the most important thing about the holidays for you?

I love everything!

15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?

My mom’s shortbread that melts in your mouth.

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?

When we went to my grandparent’s for breakfast on Christmas morning and going to church on Christmas Eve.

17. What tops your tree?

It used to always be a star. Now our tree is too tall to have anything.

18. Which do you prefer, giving or receiving?

Giving. Receiving is fun too though!

19. What is your favorite Christmas song?

I like Feed the World, but I am happy listening to almost any of them.

20. Candy canes:

Not a big fan.

21. Favorite Christmas movie?

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.

22. What do you leave for Santa?

We used to leave milk and cookies, but now nothing.