Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I don't know if this is old news...

... but I just heard this clip for the first time today! I kept seeing the link at school, where I couldn't listen because I had no headphones. So I listened today.

Susan Boyle

I think she's phenomenal!!! I would buy her CD!


9 word Tuesday

Have you seen the blogs for "6 word Saturday"? 3 days later MUST be 9 word Tuesday!! Which brings me to mine:

Too bad my test isn't on Tetris- I'd win!

Monday, April 20, 2009



so stressed.

so tired.

so tired of the library.

so tired of schoolwork.

so not interested in doing the work for finals.

so procrastinating which is making me more stressed.

so want to be done!

so counting down to next monday!!

so looking forward to free time!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Three posts in one day...

... can you tell I'm procrastinating?

Oh, and Natalie of November 2008,

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! You definitely did NOT pick the class with less work!!

Still drowning in my take home final paperwork,
Natalie of April 2009


... I just don't want to work on my stuff yet! Blogs seem to be a little neglected lately (leaving me nothing to procrastinate with), so I looked through Lo's archives and found a survey. She said she got it from me, so maybe for fun I'll go look at my 2007 (wow!) answers to see what has changed!

Welcome to the 2009 edition of getting to know your Friends.

On to me...

1. What time did you get up this morning? 8 am (on a Sunday, boo)

2. Diamonds or pearls? diamonds

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? It has been far too long! Um, Coraline maybe?? Which was February, that's so sad!

4. What are your favorite shows? The Biggest Loser, Survivor, The Apprentice, Amazing Race, The Office

5. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Toast and molasses. Yum!

6. What is your middle name? Ivy

7. What is your favorite cuisine? Um, variety. Chinese food from Ginger Beef!

8. What foods do you dislike? Mushrooms, shrimp and most seafood

9. Favorite chips? All Dressed

10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? iPod... I usually listen to/download songs at a time, not whole albums!

11. What kind of car do you drive? Cavalier

12. What is your favorite sandwich? Club

13. What characteristics do you despise? Lying, lack of humour, uptightness, unpleasantness

14. What are your favorite clothes? Lulu pants probably

15. If you could go anywhere in the world on Vacation? Cruise, Europe, Hawaii

16. Favorite brand of clothing? Don't care.

17. Where would you want to retire? I don't know. Close to future children probably, somewhere that doesn't aggravate my migraines!

19. Where were you born? Calgary

20. What is your favorite sport to watch? None really. Jumping.

21. Who do you think will not send this back? Didn't send it anywhere.

22. Person you expect to send it back first? n/a

23. Pepsi or Coke? Coke, but Pepsi slurpees.

24. Beavers or ducks? I don't know if this question is supposed to be dirty or not, but I guess ducks? Especially the ones at the lake that eat bread when you throw it!

25. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night for sure!

26. Pedicure or manicure? Pedicure. My favourite!

27. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? I'm almost done UNDERGRAD!

28. What did you want to be when you were little? I don't know. I think I've always been undecided.

29. What is your best childhood memory? Family trips and such. It's funny, but as I get older, I find little things keep triggering childhood memories. It's kind of neat! For instance, Lo and I walked past our elementary school the other day and SO many memories came flooding back!

30. Piercing? Ears.

31. Favorite cocktail or beer? Caesars

32. Ever been toilet papering? Nope

33. Been in a car accident? Yes, two rear endings. I hate those. :(

34. Favorite Day of the week? Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (to a lesser extent)

35. Favorite restaurant? Swiss, Ginger Beef

36. Favorite Flower? Tulips

37. Favorite ice cream? Blue bubble gum.

38. Favorite fast food restaurant? McDonalds, Taco del Mar, Timmy's, Subway, Edo

39. How many times did you fail your drivers test? 0

40. From whom did you get your last email? My aunt, I think.

41. In which store would you choose to max out your Credit Card? No store! But if I had an unlimited credit card that I didn't have to pay back, I would max it out at Ricki's, Ikea, and Chapters!

42. Bedtime? usually 11 (weekdays and weekends- I'm so lame and old to keep a constant bedtime!)

43. Who are you most curious about their responses to this? Anyone who does this!

44. Last person you went to dinner with? T and B at work on Friday. To Saigon. YUM.

45. What are you listening to right now? People chatting in the library (annoying), a printer running, keys tap, tap, tapping.

46. What is your favorite color? Purple and pink and black.

47. How many tattoos do you have? 0. I used to want one, but I don't anymore. So I'm glad I didn't do it!

48. How many are you sending this email to? None. It's in the public domain on my blog.

49. Why did you decide to take the time to fill this out? I wasn't ready to start my schoolwork yet.

50. Why should my friends read it? Nothing better to do, bored, etc. Or because they just love me so much that they want to read mundane things about me!


A quick blog...

I am SO happy that I didn't drop ARKY. I was definitely considering it, and although I didn't get the best grade, it's still credit and I still get to graduate in June, considering I pass all of my other courses! Left in my UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE, I have:

Take home final (which is what I am working on today)
Pharmacology final exam
Sensation and Perception final exam

(!!!) Eek! 8 days from now I will be done, done, DONE!!

Yesterday I attempted to work on the take home final at home, which was a bad idea. I know that I can't do work at home, but I tried to convince myself otherwise. Ugh. Instead, I did some reading for the final (which was good), had a nap (which was unproductive), and then made homemade pizza with Matt (which was delicious), and watched Blast from the Past (which was great).

So I'm back in the library today where I can actually get work done, and I'm so excited to come closer to crossing something off of my list.

So, so, so excited!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I have a big term paper due on Friday (hence why I'm stuck in the library on this beautiful! sunny! warm! fantastic day), and my prof lent me a book on my subject (jealousy). I'm seriously SO excited for this paper to be done, not just because the work will be done, but so I can stop worrying about the book! He handed it to me and told me to be EXTREMELY careful with it because it is very special to him because the author wrote a personal note and signed it for him. Um, ok. Gulp. This book has been at the back of my mind for MONTHS now. I've been carrying it around in plastic bag in my backpack, checking numerous times after I take it out to make sure I have put it back in, and last night I actually had a nightmare about it. SERIOUSLY! I had a dream that I highlighted the entire book, then realized I probably shouldn't have done that and was trying to figure out a way to un-highlight. I then woke up and flew out of bed in a cold sweat before I realized it was a dream. I'm think I'm losing my mind.

Additionally, it is warm enough here that capris are acceptable (YAY!), but the first time I put a pair on, I even scared myself with how white my legs were. Solution?

Jergen's Natural Glow. I bought this stuff because it was the cheapest and I didn't want to waste $$ in case I ended up looking orange, but this stuff is a-m-azing!!! I noticed a difference after using it once, and save for the small patch I missed near my ankle, it looks awesome, and definitely NOT orange! Totally recommend.

The weather is warm (as I mentioned before; I just can't get enough) and that leads to my inevitable hair dilemma. I always get the urge to chop it all off when the weather gets warm, but this year I think I'll resist. Last years was kinda awful, and it took forever to be able to put it in a ponytail again. This year I'm considering a cut to make my ends a little healthier and maybe something else, like a new style, but I think I'm going to keep it long! (wasn't that an exciting paragraph?)

Back to the paper so I can get this book out of my hands ASAP!!