Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'm dooooone!

Yes! Every item on my list can now be crossed off. I have completed another semester (my 9th semester of post secondary I believe) and Winter 2008 is a thing of the past!!!

I am however, completely wiped from that huge list of stuff that I had to complete, and will update again when I have a full night's sleep under my belt.

'til later!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Because I'm so excited I can knock more things off...

Officially, (idea stolen from Lauren's blog), I have this work left in Winter 2008 semester:

Brain final
Theory final
Canadian Studies take home exam

It's so close!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Office Faves

I found this in the "archives", an entry I never ended up posting for some reason. They made me giggle again, so here they are!

Michael: Bros before hos. Why? Because your bros are always there for you. They have got your back, after your ho rips your heart out for no good reason. And you were nothing but great to your ho. And you told her she was the only ho for you. And that she was better than all the other hos in the world. And then... suddenly she's not your ho no mo.

Jim: It's a bold move to photoshop yourself into a picture with your girlfriend and her kids on a ski trip with their real father. But then again, Michael is a bold guy. Is bold the right word?

Michael: When you know, you just know. Check her out. My little gal over there. Babelectical.
Roy: Which one is she?
Michael Scott: It's the- it's one of those two. [points to the waitresses]
Roy: You don't know?
Kevin: Dude, you should know.
Michael Scott: Yeah, well. It's been hard, they're wearing the exact same uniform. And I've been drinking. And you know how all waitresses look alike.

Michael Scott: I watch The L Word, ok?
Jan: Good! Good.
Michael Scott: I watch Queer as [beep], okay?
Jan: That's not what it's called.

Michael Scott: There's a wishing fountain at the mall. And I threw a coin in for every woman in the world and made a wish. I wished for Jan to get over me. I wished for Phyllis, a plasma tv. I wished for Pam to gain courage. I wished for Angela, a heart. And for Kelly, a brain.

Jan: You already had a party on May fifth for no reason--
Michael Scott: No reason? It was the 05/05/05 party, it happens once every billion years.
Jan: --and a tsunami relief fundraiser which somehow lost a lot of money.
Michael Scott: No that was a fun raiser, I think I made that very clear in the flyers.

A little blue today. I just got a mark back for a quiz, and I did pretty crappy on it. Ugh. I can't seem to focus on any schoolwork so far this year. Must be the last year thing. Ah well, we still have a lab grade, two more quizzes, and a paper in that class, so it wasn't anything too major. Hopefully I can bring 'er back up! :) Focus, focus.

Matt and I had a fun weekend. We babysat for the people I was supposed to the week before last. It was so fun. The oldest girl was terrified about Matt coming over ("I hate boys, I hate strangers! Tell him not to come!") and was hiding behind my legs when he first got there, but at one point I ended up looking over and she was sitting on his lap stroking his hair. Haha. She made for a few awkward conversations too. "Are you going to marry Natalie?" "I hope Natalie gets pregnant!"


So cute though! And I love the baby. I think 1 year olds are just the best. They are so cute, yet they can actually do stuff... this guy was sitting in his highchair so happy about the pizza we gave him and sharing with the [huge] dog. The other little girl is so sweet too. She wanted nothing to do with Matt and spent most of the time curled up in my lap while we watched the new Tinkerbell movie (which actually wasn't half bad!).

After we babysat, Matt and I went to Zack and Miri Make a Porno. I thought I would like it; I liked stuff like Superbad and Knocked Up and figured this was in the same vein, but I found it terribly vulgar. Matt liked it, but I thought it was disgusting. Different strokes, I guess. Maybe along with my eyesight going (Lo and I were at Humptey's and neither of us could see the tv screen) my sense of vulgar humour is going? I dunno. I liked Tinkerbell better. Lol.

Sunday we didn't do much during the day... and watched the Amazing Race with Lo that night though! It was so fun, but no matter how much Matt tries to convince us he won't go into "sleeping position" (he always curls up and falls asleep the same way), he always does. Lo and I had fun though! Or, to speak for myself, I had fun! :)

Another update was Lo and I going to the Flames game on Tuesday! We had so much fun, even though they lost. We ate popcorn, drank [heroin] beer, and laughed at the loud guy next to us shout at the team [I love sitting near the rowdy people]. It was a great time, even though I'm pretty sure we weren't going to make it home before we passed out of sleepiness! Oooh, and Tuesday was the first day it snowed, we saw a fire along the train line, and couldn't get out of the parking lot due to traffic, so abandoned my car. Lots of adventures.

Anyway, that's a pretty lengthy update about the minutia of my last few days. If you made it through, WOW!


Quick (very) update! And things to do!

Officially, (idea stolen from Lauren's blog), I have this work left in Winter 2008 semester:

Stats final paper
Sociology Final Learning Celebration (that's what she calls it, I swear to God)
Brain final
Theory final
Canadian Studies take home exam

Yay! I love how much shorter that list got compared to last time! Stay tuned. Real update to come soon (I hope).

Also, to dress up an otherwise drab entry, check out the Mastercard Kitchen commercial I was talking about in an earlier post. It's finally up and I still think it's cute!

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Matt and I before the ball- I love this picture! <3

I am uploading some pictures to facebook now, and that is the biggest time sucker I have ever seen, so I decided I may as well update as well!

I had a great weekend, although Friday was a little rough. I lost my flash drive (I think I left it plugged into a computer at school) and I was pretty upset. Luckily, I think what I need is backed up on my laptop, so I should be good, but I am still upset. I'm going to keep checking at the lost and found though; hopefully someone will turn it in (I'm not holding my breath). I don't understand why people steal. Why would they see a flash drive in a computer and just take it rather than turn it in? What fun is there in knowing that something isn't yours, but taking it and using it anyway with a clean conscious? I hate theives and I will never understand. Anyway, I was upset, but Matt made me feel better and we went up to his house to watch a movie that I fell asleep in within the first 10 minutes. What I saw I liked, but I was tired!

Saturday we went to the army ball! It was so fun. I ended up wearing Lauren's dress, and I am so glad I did! I loved it, and I felt great in it. We had a lot of fun though; Matt got to see all his friends, we had a delicious dinner, and afterward went to the Roadhouse. I'm not really a club person (they aren't a lot of fun unless you are with tons of people you know or are single or both) but we got to go in the VIP entrance and didn't have to wait in line because we were with the army. Woohoo! Plus, right after we walked in I had a floor score. That's right, found 2 bucks on the floor. Haha, it was only 2 bucks, but I am still excited.

Sunday (today) I hit the movies! Matt, Lauren, and I went to see PS I Love You (which I liked, Matt tolerated, and Lauren wasn't such a big fan of) and then Matt left to go on a ride along with the fire department! Lauren and I went to Defintely, Maybe after that, which we both liked! Then Lauren, Jordan, and I went for dinner at O'Sullivan's and to L's house to watch some Seinfeld! It was lots of fun, but now I am pretty sleepy and ready for bed (but NOT ready for another week).


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It's been a while!

Update time again!

So I passed that exam. I'm staying in the class I guess! I would have been pretty choked to have had to drop it after 67% of the course work is almost done. He is going to tell us the questions for the final before the actual exam, so hopefully I can light it up and give my grade a little boost!

I really think I had sort of a bad semester due to circumstance. For three out of five of my courses, the first AND second midterms were in the same weeks (first midterms all on the same day)! Anyway, I'm over it now, and hopefully I will never be so unlucky again!

I am super worried about spring and summer courses though! Apparently it is a brutal amount of work to even take one, and I am planning on two?! Hopefully it won't be as bad as I heard. But, I did take two at St. Mary's before, and now that I think of it, that really wasn't that bad... plus, I've already been told at work that when it's quiet in the middle of the month, I can take days off. So, that should be nice, and hopefully it will all work out! I am sooo ready to be done my degree that I want to hardcore it this spring/summer and finish next year.

Matt and I are going to some sort of army "ball" (they actually call it that on the ticket!) this weekend. I was really concerned about what to wear. Matt thought my grad dress would be good, but we were at the mall last night getting a shirt for him and I pointed out a dress (much MUCH more casual) and he said that that would work too! So, I got kinda stressed! What kind of outfit should I wear?! He ended up calling some army boss, and apparently it is what you would wear to a nice restaurant, so I am GLAD I found this out before the actual dinner. Also, my grad dress doesn't fit anymore (too big!!!) and I waited too long to get it altered. She said last night that there was no way I could get it done by Saturday. Sigh. So, Matt and I traipsed around the mall looking for something that I could wear, and so far, not much luck. I really like some of the shorter dresses I saw, but on me, a tall person, they are totally skanky. I do have one dress on hold that I am going to take my mom to go see tonight, but if worst comes to worst, I have a few in my closet I can choose between. Plus, Lauren offered her dress for me, and the suggestion to have a look at RW&CO for a dress. I might just do that!

The most frustrating part of the evening last night came when I again realized how easy guys have it. All Matt needed was a tuxedo shirt (he's going to wear his dress uniform) and a bow tie. So, we headed off to Sears looking for a shirt. They only had two sizes left and one of them was Matt's size. The woman measured him, thought it would fit perfectly, and he went to try it on. Of course it fit like a glove. Plus it CAME with a bow tie. Plus, it was only 29 BUCKS! Could it have been ANY EASIER for Matt? I'm happy we aren't on a scavenger hunt for him too, but man is it ever frustrating for me!!!

In addition, our annual Edmonton trip has been on my mind a lot lately. I can't wait to hit up the waterpark, and the last two times we have been there, we had SO much fun! We still need to decide all of the logistics for it, but I am thinking about the lovely pool, the water slides, and all the other stuff. Plus, I was looking through some photo albums and found our pictures from last year of Matt and Jordan pointing at a tube with a kid on it (to flip). They are so bad...

Also excited for a potential drive up to Drumheller again. I think that would be fun. I don't have the unbelievable spring fever like I did when I last posted about it though. It snowed here a lot on the weekend, and it was cold enough again to dig out my winter coat. So, as I scraped the ice off of my car this weekend, I got the feeling that winter really will never end!

Side note: I think THE thing I am most excited for in buying my own house someday will be being able to park in a GARAGE! I cannot wait.

I think that's it for me today.

As usual, I'm working for the weekend.

Actually, I'm still workin' for May 2009.

Have a great week!