Saturday, January 26, 2008


So, we did go to the sale. It was pretty good! I got a pair of pants for 40 bucks off, a skirt for 19 bucks, and another skirt for 25 bucks off. Not bad! It was a great event too; really well organized. Lauren stood in line for us, and after class I came as fast as I could from the university. I felt like I was on the Amazing Race as I came running around the corner with my backpack on. Haha. I am very lucky to have a best friend who would stand in line for hours and just let me join her at the front! <3


I was babysitting last night and I noticed that the daughter had a "to do" list. It was so cute. I totally remember doing that too; wanting being grown up enough to have important things to do. Now I hate to do lists. Blah. Read this, read that, write this paper, blah blah. I still want to be "grown up" and have to do lists with easier and mundane stuff like "buy groceries" or "organize closet". :)


My Sociology prof looooves discussions. Today we talked about 9/11. I hadn't really thought about it for a while and it was one of those where were you, how did you hear about it etc. Everyone remembered, of course, and its sad how we can talk about it like it was just yesterday. ANYWAY I heard a different perspective this time. Someone in my class was going to university in the middle east when he heard the news. He said that most people were sad, crying for the people in pain in the states and it really hit me. I didn't know really anything about the middle east prior to 9/11 and I remembering seeing horrible images, like American flag burning and people running around with machine guns; images that totally formed my opinion. Sam (in my class) said that most people were angry that terrorists would do this to the US and the media seemed to find the few happy people and kept showing them over and over again. Its crazy how the media warped my mind so much and I wonder how it has impacted me in other ways that I don't know about.

It just made me sad.
