Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Counting Down

Unfortunately, I still have those pesky three things on my list. Fortunately, less than ONE WEEK FROM TODAY, they will all be gone! YES!!!

We got our Christmas tree up last weekend, and it looks so pretty! I'm so excited for Christmas! On Sunday when we were decorating it, it was absolutely dumping snow outside, so it was just perfect Christmas decorating weather. I even wrapped a few gifts on Sunday too, which I'm excited about! I have a few more gifts to buy, and don't know what I should buy, so I'm a teensy bit stressed about that, but hopefully I can find time after this SEMESTER! IS! DONE!!

Whew, and it has been a difficult semester. The beginning went alright, but it seemed like all the big due dates were at the same time. Nothing was really staggered; it was all late November/early December. Ah well. Hopefully next semester is good. I'm crossing my fingers for less paper and more multiple choice tests. Oh multiple choice. How I love thee.

Teaching piano tonight, watching the season finale of the Biggest Loser, and unfortunately skipping out on Matt's Christmas party. I'm still sick with this silly cold, and the roads are pretty slippery for me to drive all the way out to the party (probably a 45 minute drive from my house). Plus, my car is a little terrible on ice. I'll just stay home, NOT cancel piano for my 2 students, and chill in front of the tv hopefully! Trying to stay warm and get rid of this cold!

Went to the Christmas party on Saturday. We had a lot of fun! However, sometime between Friday night and Saturday morning, my cold moved to my eyes and I had a bright red eye for the party. NOT PRETTY!


Louamonster said...

Only 3 things left now? That's excellent! Hooray!

Louamonster said...

All your things can be checked off now, yes?