Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tough times

It has been a rough week for me! I had three midterms this week; one on Tuesday and two today. The Tuesday one kinda killed me though; I had studied for it and felt somewhat prepared and I went into it and I'm pretty sure I totally bombed it. That was not a good thing to happen before my other two tests! I just got in the mindset of "Well, if I try and still get blown out of the water, what is the point in even trying?" Anyway though. I'll have to see how I did (hopefully we get our marks back on Monday). I would be perfectly fine (and thrilled even) getting a C in this class (I think I can 86 the idea of doing really well) but if even that seems impossible after this midterm, I'll seriously consider withdrawing! Another thought; the C's on my transcript for first year must be getting lonely. I'll see what happens I guess.

Officially, (idea stolen from Lauren's blog), I have this work left in Winter 2008 semester:

Canadian Studies paper (already written, just have to touch up)
Another Theory paper (if I stay in the class)
Stats final paper (crap- I forgot about this... I should be making my data up now!)
Stats exam
2 lab writeups (I think...)
Sociology Final Learning Celebration (that's what she calls it, I swear to God)
Brain final
Theory final (again, if I stay in the class)
Canadian Studies take home exam

That's not so bad... is it? Ugh...

On another note, don't ever skip class when you have a guest speaker! We had Rod Sykes come into Canadian studies today, and I am so glad I didn't skip! I had thought about it due to having two exams today, but I didn't and I am so glad. He was a great speaker, and the type of speaker that you can listen to for more than an hour and feel like hardly any time went by at all! It was great. Calgary actually has a pretty interesting history, which I never knew before taking this class...

On another another note, something funny happened at my house yesterday. Byron and I got the total guilt trip about how our six year old neighbor was taking out the garbage and Byron and I are 18 and 21 respectively and don't do chores like that. My parents have resorted to blaming themselves for how they raised us (lol).
~ (Is it bad to think that is really funny?)

On that note, I am excited for the LONG weekend! I haven't really taken any substantial time for myself lately, and I intend to do just that, not worrying about school work or whatever! Hopefully Matt and I can find some fun things to do this weekend (and L if she's down, but she is usually busy on weekends).

That's pretty much what has been on my mind lately!

EDIT: Due to some confusion, "86 it" means get rid of it.
For example,
"Here, Byron, 86 this popsicle wrapper."
"It doesn't work anymore!!" "Well, 86 it!"

Friday, March 14, 2008

Blockbuster VS Roger's

There is something weird about the phone for me. As soon as I pick up it up, my phone voice springs to life, and there is little I can do to stop it.

I can be having a terrible argument, complete with yelling and screaming, or crying my eyes out, and pick up a ringing phone and be perfectly sweet.

I get made fun of for this pretty h-core. Byron has always given me an especially hard time about this.

My question is though, how long am I going to be able to have this work for me?

It's pretty sweet, I'm not going to lie... I love when telemarketers call and ask if my parents are home, and I love the fact that I can get away with saying "No I'm sorry, everyone over the age of 18 is at work right now."

I really hope that this is a skill I can keep for a while, certainly until long after I have moved out and have my own house.


In other news, I would officially like to give a big middle finger to Blockbuster. I haaaaate that place. Matt and I decided we would rent Dan in Real Life to watch tonight, and I figured it would be perfect for me to stop on my way home and pick 'er up. I was even thinking as I got closer to the turnoff that I should stop at Roger's... "Blockbuster will never have it" I thought to myself. "Oh, but it's the middle of the day... certainly someone has returned a copy for me" a conflicting voice argued.

Stupidly, I skipped the turnoff for Roger's and headed to Blockbuster. Of course, no copies were to be seen. What? A new comedy with the hilarious Steve Carell and the ever popular Dane Cook is coming out? We will take ten copies! [Blockbuster's apparent thinking, as the number of copies were obviously lacking]. So I sighed, chided myself for not trusting my better judgment, and headed back to Roger's.

I get there, and it is lovely. Uncrowded, relaxing (haha), and copies of movies as far as the eye can see! I spied the movie and dash over (as if one of the other two customers will beat me to it) and grab one of SEVERAL copies. Excellent.

Add in the fact that anytime I rent from Blockbuster the DVD is so scratched I can't watch it, and their annoying "end of late fees" promise with the "restocking" fee masquerading as a late fee, and you can color me a forever Roger's customer.

Until, of course, the next time I am too lazy to drive 10 minutes and would rather drive 5 and end up back at Blockbuster.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I have terrible...

... spring fever right now. I was looking through Lauren's ancient posts (since she hasn't updated in a WEEK, hint hint), and I saw this picture, from our trip to Drumheller last summer. Look at the way the sun is shining... look at how blue the sky is... it is so gorgeous, and was a beautiful day. I was wearing a skirt that day and driving there the car was warm, the music was playing, we were singing, Matt was sleeping in the back seat, and I felt the sun toasting my skin gently. Goodness. Also I just remembered how Matt drank 1L of chocolate milk on the way there and we had to stop on that tiny highway by Bysiker (sp?) and he peed on the sign for appx half an hour while Lou-flower and I laughed and laughed.

I have to go to class, but later will pick up on Lo's blog where I left off... I think the Edmonton trip is next, which won't be good for my spring fever!

N & L: We can take pictures of us by the dinosaurs... and us in the car... and us walking up the stairs...
M: And us having lunch!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Hello again!

I have no excuses for my lack of posting other than my complete laziness. I haven't been too busy lately... but for some reason just didn't feel like updating!

I know I constantly use this medium as a place to complain and moan about school, and I honestly don't think it will change anytime soon. I was thinking today about things I look forward to doing once I am done school.

1. Reading!! Something other than textbooks will be an absolute treat! I may sound like a huge poindexter here, but when I was in elementary, junior high, and high school, I could sit in the living room all weekend and easily pass through two or three books. I loooved it. And I still do! I miss being able to go to bed at night and pick up my book from beside my bed and read until the wee hours of the morning... I can't even remember the last time I did that! Anyway, I have a huge pile of Indigo giftcards and a pile of unread books from Christmas just waiting until I have the time to read them. Someday... and I just can't wait.

2. A cruise. Need I explain this one? A graduation present to myself, I think.

3. Guilt free tv watching. Oh, I watch tv now. I can't tell you I feel good about it. (Except Survivor. I do not feel guilty about Thursday night tv). However, I long for the days that I can spend a whole afternoon or evening in front of the tv and not have that pesky little voice in my head ("Should you really be sitting here? Don't you have a paper due?") or that fun little knot in my stomach. I loooove that feeling. Please note that the previous sentence was a blatant lie.

4. Baking and cooking! I love being in the kitchen so much and have seen so many recipes that I would love to try, but any attempt I make to get into the kitchen seems to que that little voice again...

On another note, Lauren always teases me about being French. As anyone who knows me knows, I love sweets. Very much. Matt and I had supper with my parents on Saturday night and I was telling them about the meal we had at Matt's house the prior week. I, of course, placed special emphasis on the homemade chocolate cake Matt's mom made which was absolutely delicious. I asked what my mom was having for dessert, and she had nothing (my house is not really a dessert house, usually). I was disappointed and said that Matt's mom always has something sweet to offer us. My dad suggested that it is because they lived in Montreal for a time, and French people love their dessert. In conclusion, if that is what it means to be French, you can just go ahead and sign me up.

"You are supposed to serve cake at the end of a meal. I'm sorry, it's just impolite [not to]."
"It's not impolite. It's stupid is what it is!"

(Seinfeld- The One with the Marble Rye)

Good night!

Thursday, March 6, 2008


I am just not in the mood to update.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I promise...

... to update with a lengthy entry tomorrow. Tonight I am tired, but I feel the need to make a post. I will just save all my insights and rambling thoughts for tomorrow though! :)

Plus, I figure a little mini post like this, signifying a post to come, will help for my 8 post quota for March. Six in January, Seven in February, Eight in March... get it?

Until tomorrow...