Saturday, August 25, 2007

Come home!

I think my BFF should come home!!

Lauren is gone to Winnipeg this week, and I must say that I am quite lonely and missing her!! Haha, she has only been gone since Thursday, but in my defense, I haven't seen her since Monday, so really, it feels like a lot longer ago than that! I do hope she is having lots of fun though. But seriously, come home. :)

I don't know if I posted about my new computer at work yet! I think I did, but this week I got a desk too!!!! I am so psyched! It is great to have my own little area now that is just for me! It worked out really well too, because my desk is right by Tracy so we can still chat and all that stuff. Also, we can "fight" about her (my) plant that I stole and put on my desk. As I am telling everyone though, clearly it is on my desk so it is obviously my flower.

Lauren was traded for Ashley this week on Thursday. Ash came over and we went to get slurpees, as per usual, and there was even some drama! We got back to my house and realized that we came back -1 cell phone. We quickly looked around my house and then went back to Sev where someone had turned it in (thank goodness). It was funny though, because they had called Ashley's mom from her phone, so later when we were watching BB8 (what a good episode!) her mom called and asked if she got her phone back. This was something she would rather not have had her mom find out about. Good times! I hope we can hang out more in the school year when Ash comes back for breaks and stuff.

Anyway, only one more week of full time work, which is kind of exciting, but also kind of sad. I am looking so forward to our week off in which Lo and I have toooons of fun stuff planned to do! I even have a coupon for the zoo, so I am psyched about that!

Last night Matt and I went to the casino simply because we had nothing better to do! It was so fun though! I put five dollars in (risky, I know) and we played that five dollars for nearly an hour, and when we left, we still had our five dollars (thanks to me winning it all back, haha!). That is totally the way to do it though! It gets a little sad sitting there and watching people playing all their money away and not even looking like they enjoy it. Thats an addiction for you, I guess. The woman next to me had something like 1500 credits on her machine (about 750 bucks on the nickel slots) when we started and 100 credits when we left and she was counting out 20's in her purse to put in the machine. I could never do that!

Four months until Christmas!! Would you believe that I am actually looking forward to it? I was in Hallmark the other day looking at all the new ornaments and planning which ones I am going to buy (although I think they go on sale later in the season). I just love Christmas!


Louamonster said...

I'm back! and too lazy to really comment or update my blog! And I haven't even checked the zboard yet!!! Glad to be back though, had much fun tonight! <3