Last night I tried to post this entry to blogspot, and it wouldn't let me! Maybe it is a sign?
Time for a quick update!
The weekend was lots of fun!
Friday Matt and I went to the Stamps game. What a game! The Stamps tied it with a touchdown with forty seconds left in the 4th quarter! The fans were absolutely wild, which are the best kind of fans. The game went into two overtimes, and ended up tied. Wow though! One thing I dislike about McMahon though, is that they have three ATMs on one side of the stadium, and one of them was out of order! It was so frustrating. I was talking to a girl in line behind me and we agreed that it would be bettter for everyone if they had say, ten more ATMs at least! The ATM people would make money, vendors would make more money because more people would have money to buy, and we would be happy because we don't have to wait in line so long! It was a great game though and I was so happy we went!
Saturday Matt and I went downtown for the day and did some shopping. We had the most delicious Chinese food I have ever had in my life (that may be a slight exaggeration). Manchu Wok from now on! Reasonably priced too. In the evening (well, night) we went to see Superbad. It was... alright. A few slow moments, but very funny!
Sunday I did nearly nothing the whole day and then got to hang out with Lauren in the evening! Hooray! It was lots of fun, although I am a little bit sad we are missing this Thursday. I understand though, its her vacation, and we rented a movie last night to make up for it!
I spent some time reviewing my U of C schedule. It was time well spent for sure! I think I have everything set up a little better, and although I have to go to the UPO (Undergrad Programs Office) to talk about some courses that transferred wrong, I seem to be in good shape!
Have a great rest of the week!
It's been a WHILE!
15 years ago
nO! It is not a sign! Use blogspot so I can leave comments!!! <3
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