I received a complaint about this thing not being updated more than once in November, so here goes.
Nothing much is new and exciting with me. I have to get a needle today for the mumps (outbreak at the school and in Southern Alberta in general) and I am a tad apprehensive, to say the least. I am actually less uneasy than I am when I get my blood taken though, which is interesting. It makes sense to me though. I hate the thought of them draining my blood. Yech. Plus, hopefully I won't have to see any blood for this. Eek, in writing this paragraph I just made myself a little more nervous and very queasy. Great! I am excited to be protected though. Mumps can (in rare cases, but cases nonetheless) cause infertility, and I want to have babies when I grow up, which may be another reason why I am not as nervous to get the vaccine.
Finals are coming up soon, and I am looking over my schedule for next semester! Wow! In late September and October I thought that this semester would never end, but now that finals are near, I feel like I can't believe how fast it has gone! Winter usually goes even faster, and then I will be into Spring semester, and before you know it, it's summer again! I am hoping that it holds true that winter is the faster semester as I have a Saturday class. Not really looking forward to it, but I am ready to finish my degree and get on with my life, so I am ready to do what has to be done, and at this point that seems like a Saturday course.
More things in my head to possibly be entered at a later date, but at this point I will end with a silly survey:
A- Attached or single: Attached
B- Best Friends: Lauren! <3
C- Cake or Pie: Cake,bar none. Especially chocolate cake. Especially chocolate cake that is the Swiss Alps cake from Swiss.
D- Day of choice: Thursday- I love best friends day and always look forward to it!
E- Essential Item: lip chap
F- Favorite Color: Variety- i.e., I get sick of one color if it is around too much.
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: Yuck, neither.
H- Hometown: Calgary!
I-Indulgence(s): See C.
J- January or July: That is such a toss up. January has my birthday, tobogganing, snow, and skating. July has road trips, swimming, and flip flops. Again, variety. I wouldn't want to live forever in winter or summer.
K- Kids: I'm good for now, thanks.
Life is Incomplete Without: Laughter.
M- Marriage Date: TBA
N- Number of Siblings: 1 bro-ther.
O- Oranges or Apples: Apples with a sprinkle of cinnamon! "You ask what's in this, and the answer is always cinnamon!"
P- Phobias or Fears: Needles :'(
Q- Quote(s): I think having favorite quotes is kinda cliche, but I guess I like the Dr.Seuss one about those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
R- Reason To Smile: A million different things daily.
S- Season: Variety!
T- Tag Three: Tagging is lame-o.
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I constantly worry about the future, and it is something I'm trying to work on.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: If oppressor of animals means I eat them, then that one.
W- Worst Habit: I am perfict. Tee hee.
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: I have never had an ultrasound, but I think I would say that, just because having the X-rays pound through my body gives me the willies.
Y- Your Favorite Food: Mmm. Popcorn probably.
Z- Zodiac: Capricorn.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
2nd November entry
Posted by Natalie at 10:08 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Beets, Bears, Battlestar Gallactica
QUESTION: Which bear is best?
Well I had a great weekend. I'll start with last night (which was technically Monday, but my school week doesn't start until Tuesday). Lauren came over and she, Matt, and I got cozy on my loveseat (we are no longer sitting on lawn chairs in front of the tv!!) and busted out the last half of The Office, season 3. It was fantastically hilarious. I love that show.
Saturday was also excellent, and included me getting my couch back! I snapped on Saturday night and decided that I couldn't take anymore of the lawn chairs (basement is being renovated; couches got packed up) so Matt and I grabbed the loveseat and put it back together! It was funny when we were carrying it out, because Lucy saw us with the couch in the air and started growling. To save us from the attack, perhaps? In any case, I realized that couches = love, and I do not have strong enough muscles for or a future in furniture delivery (which I think I'm ok with).
Saturday during the day (this is throwing me off, going backwards like this) Matt and I went for lunch and experienced some drama! We were eating our sandwiches in Keith's Deli (by Chinook, absolutely delicious) when a bum of some sort came in begging for money. The store owners told him to get lost or they were going to call the cops, and he freaked! It was exciting and a little scary!
We then went to the mall where my boundless Christmas spirit continued to grow. Matt even picked up a Christmas gift! I stopped at the MAC counter and had the following conversation:
the MAC girl: Did I tell you we are having a gala?
Me: No...
MG: Tickets are 10 dollars, 8 of which is fully redeemable in makeup, with the other 2 going to charity.
Me: Oh, very good. What charity?
MG: Uhhhh... um, its like Feel Good, Look Good I think. Something like that. I don't really know. They like, buy makeup for women with cancer and stuff I think.
Me: I see.
Very nice girl, and very good cause (I think), but perhaps if you are promoting an event at which proceeds go to charity, you should know the name of the charity? I couldn't have been the first to ask! Ah well, no big deal!
Posted by Natalie at 4:33 PM 2 comments