Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Yes, it is a long weekend for Thanksgiving! I love long weekends.

We had a good start to the weekend last night; Lo and me and her parents went to see the comedian Gerry Dee at the Jack Singer! He was so good and really funny. The two guys who went on before him were really great too. I had a great time! Thanks, Lo! Afterwards Matt came over and the three of us starting watching The Office, season 4. It was really good, but the episodes are super-sized and really long. We only made it through two before Matt had passed out and Lo and I were very close to following his example. I may have to watch the second episode again sometime, just to make sure I got everything!

Today I'm not up to much, working a little bit on a presentation I have to do next week, but I am super stumped so I think Matt and I are going to go to the mall to spend some of my gift cards I still have from last Christmas. We're almost into Christmas season again, so it's high time to spend them.

Tomorrow we are having Thanksgiving dinner at my house, and on Sunday we are off to Matt's. Should be good times! Other than that, a pretty lazy weekend.


Louamonster said...

I'm so psyched that it was a long weekend! Especially for you, because I just worked it, but I'm glad you got some nice time off!

I'm so glad that you came along to Gerry Dee with us! I had a great time! I was so impressed with him too! He puts on such a great show!

I so loved watching the Office with you guys too! It was great!

Yum for Thanksgiving dinner! I'm so excited that the Rememberance Day weekend includes a Tuesday! We get a day off! Hooray!